JUST SOLD, WE CAN SELL YOURS TOO! Tom ReillyDec 23, 20201 min readOne-of-a-kind, Elegant home In Gated Community of Hampton Ridge!3,798 H/C SqFt, 5BE / 3.5BA, Only $765,000 MLS# 438494Let us know who you know that would like us to help them sell theirs too!Check out our other listings:https://www.tomandtrishreilly.com/videos-of-our-listings
One-of-a-kind, Elegant home In Gated Community of Hampton Ridge!3,798 H/C SqFt, 5BE / 3.5BA, Only $765,000 MLS# 438494Let us know who you know that would like us to help them sell theirs too!Check out our other listings:https://www.tomandtrishreilly.com/videos-of-our-listings